Rockin’ Rory: A Feature on Rory Morter

Morter projecting to the crowd during his solo in the musical. Photo Courtesy Jamie Geysbeek.

A booming voice echoes through the room as people settle in their seats and the lights dim in the Max Colley Jr. auditorium. That captivating vocals belong to none other than junior Rory Morter as he stars in Addams Family, the Musical, playing the role of Gomez Addams.

Morter is very involved in the theater and music department, he has excelled in both of those extracurriculars since his start. 

Beyond the character he plays on stage, Morter participates in many school activities such as the a cappella group, From the Top, the rowing team, Varsity Voices, and high school’s Science Olympiad team. He is very influenced in joining things recommended to him in subjects that he is interested in. 

“[During my] freshman year, Mrs. Walendzik convinced me to do science olympiad and I have done it since,” Morter said. “You get a team together and there’s groups that work on specific topics and subjects, they have to research and study for tests which you then go and take tests competitively against other schools and whoever scores the highest wins. So it’s like track but science.”

Though he dabbles in the science olympiad, his real passion is music. He didn’t find this passion until his freshman year, when Morter was influenced to join the musical and he hasn’t looked back since. 

“I was convinced to join the musical by one of my friends, I had never sung before or done any of the musical stuff so I joined in and I immediately fell in love,” Morter said.

This year, he got his first leading role in a production during the high school’s musical remake of The Addams family. He worked tirelessly at his role to make sure he could give his best performance each night. 

“It was kind of stressful, there was a lot to memorize. I was just constantly putting it in my brain over and over again,” Morter said. “Especially for the accent and big motions, at home, I would talk to my family in the Gomez accent to become more accustomed to it.” 

His passion for singing has grown into a passion for being a part of From The Top and Varsity Voices. 

“Mr. P[hilipson] got me into choir and he told me about Varsity Voices and a cappella so I immediately [wanted to] get involved in everything I can music-wise,” Morter said. “I auditioned for Varsity Voices and a cappella and I got in sophomore year.”

Morter performing his solo with From The Top at semifinals in Ohio. Photo Courtesy of Rory Morter.

Throughout his journey in music, he finds personal benefits in being apart of these extra curriculars. 

“A cappella has been my main way of expressing myself. I’ve always struggled with expressing and showing emotion, it’s not one of my strong suits. A cappella really helps me to do that,” Morter said. 

His role in From The Top isn’t just as a voice but as a leader as well. Junior Dustin Schmidt attests that Morter’s presence and attitude during rehearsals makes for a culture of hard work. 

“He brings a lot of people together with his friendly personality, but also that he’s a hard worker and gets things done during rehearsals,” Schmidt said. 

Staring in the musical and being a part of the science olympiad, consumes most of his time but he also travels to Lansing as a part of the All State Choir as well. This May he will be going to perform with the top 80 singers in the state, that are a part of this choir. 

“Getting into All-State Honors Choir has made me realize how blessed I am to be involved in programs that I’m in,” Morter said. “I have an incredible director who pours into me, and peers who encourage and inspire me.”

Senior Elizabeth Cosby sees Morters hard work and the dedication that he puts into his music, in order to get to where he wants. Such as being a vocal leader in the groups that he is a part of. 

“He exceeds at all that he does, and has a devotion to learn more about anything and everything,” Cosby said. 

About Jaden Bozek 22 Articles
Jaden Bozek is a senior and fourth-year journalism student. He participates in marching band as well as varsity baseball and football. He is excited to meet others through The Roar and plans to pursue Sports Broadcasting in the future.