Serving Success: A feature on Peyton Underhill

Peyton Underhill competing in a match at Rockford. Underhill is playing a senior, something that happens a lot since she is first singles. Photo credit to Brooke Gunderson.

Most sports have no way of knowing who is the best athlete on the team at a glance. Tennis, however, is different. Athletes participate in challenge matches against each other to discover who will take the number one spot. This year’s number one on the varsity tennis team is freshman Peyton Underhill. 

Athletes have the choice between playing singles, by themselves, and doubles, with a partner. Underhill is playing first singles this year but in the year prior she was playing first doubles. Underhill finds there to be a clear difference between singles and doubles. 

“Singles you only have yourself,” Underhill said. “You have to keep yourself under control and you don’t have anyone to help you. When you’re playing doubles you have someone else to help keep you balanced. I didn’t like it because I like having that control over the court.”

Underhill is the only freshman on the varsity team this year. She finds it very intimidating at times but ultimately a good learning experience.

“It can be a bit lonely when you don’t know the people on the team as well and they’ve already played together last year,” Underhill said. “But having to play higher level people this year is a good way to grow as an athlete.”

Underhill’s eldest sister, Sam Underhill, was also part of the team from 2016-2019. Underhill says Sam inspired her to participate in tennis. She also says her dad, Scott Underhill, pushes her to do better.

“When I was younger my older sister played tennis, so I did it because I saw her and I was interested,” Underhill said. “I’d also say my dad helps me because he will always practice with me.”

Seth Howe has been the varsity tennis coach for 11 years. Howe enjoys having Underhill as an athlete because of her dedication.

“I like her drive for improvement as well as her positive attitude,” Howe said.

Underhill enjoys having Howe as a coach this year.  Howe helps her learn since it is only her second year in tennis.

“He’s really nice and not too harsh on us,” Underhill said. “He is good at motivating us and he helps me during matches.”

Howe had no concerns about having a freshman in the number one spot. In fact, he was excited to see a freshman excel and become the first single. 

“It is rare to have a freshman at the number one spot,” Howe said. “But she really earned her spot as number one on the team.”

Since Underhill has only been playing for one year prior, Howe has been working on several different skills. He hopes to help Underhill enhance her playing. 

“We’ve been mainly working on footwork, speed and shot selection,” Howe said.

Personally, Underhill has mostly been focused on improving her serve. She hopes to be more consistent during matches. 

“I think I need to get a better second serve and do better on my first,” said Underhill.

Underhill about to hit the tennis ball on her first serve. She successfully hit it over the net thanks to all the work she has put in on her serve. Photo credits to Brooke Gunderson.

Senior and teammate Ellie Barnes started playing this year. She was placed at second singles, just one rank behind Underhill. 

“When I found out she was first singles, it made complete sense to me,” Barnes said. “She’s the most hardworking team member I’ve known. She’s always punctual, shows up to practice early to get serves in, always prepared, and also just a great teammate.”

Underhill is not only a good athlete but a good teammate. At practices, she helps Barnes sharpen her own game. 

“She’s a much better player than I am and she’s mentally stronger as well,” Barnes said. “She definitely helps me become a better player.”

Underhill recommends that everyone tries tennis because it has been a great experience for her.

“Don’t be afraid to start playing tennis,” Underhill said. “Most people are just starting out and there’s going to be a ton of new kids and it’s a good sport. The people are nice and if you want to play, just play.”

About Brooke Gunderson 35 Articles
Brooke Gunderson is a senior who has been a staff-writer since her freshman year. She is a second-year co-editor and first-year Editor in Chief as well as social media manager for The Roar. In her free time, she works a part-time job and enjoys hanging out with friends. Brooke plans to pursue Elementary Education with a concentration in Environmental Science.