Student body vice president senior Haley Denton traveled to the state capitol building on February 12 to witness Governor Whitmer giving her first state of the state address. Denton used her experience in Lansing to help advance our student government.
“Representative Afendoulis was able to bring a guest to the event and wanted to reach out to a student from a school within her district,” Denton said. “She decided on Northview because past reps had done less with our school and focused more on the bigger schools near us.”
Afendoulis then reached out to the school board and Denton was chosen because of her connection to the board of education who then reached out and offered the opportunity.
“I figured there probably wouldn’t be another chance, possibly in my life, for me to experience something like this so I decided to attend,” Denton said.
The governor, first family, members of the house senate, Michigan supreme court state officials and others were present.
Whitmer’s plans for education and fixing the roads were the primary discussions taking place.
“She also mentioned women’s roles in the workplace which I thought was cool and how also the value she places on accepting everyone and allowing anyone the opportunity to thrive in the ways they choose,” Denton said.
Most of what Denton learned wasn’t new information. The main takeaway for her was getting to talk to a representative and experience how an event like that was run. She learned about the set up offices and the process of getting re-elected.
“I realized how much of an image game it is,” Denton said. “Your success for getting re-elected depends very much on the number of people who know your name and who you have left a good first impression on.”