As the enormity of the Ford Field stadium surrounds her, senior Jessica Morris performs a routine she’s done countless times. Yet even after performing so much, it still sparks excitement in her.
“You feel a rush of energy when you walk on the field,” Morris said.
Despite the stadium of people watching, performing makes her feel “like the only person in the world,” Morris said.
Morris has been a part of color guard at Northview since 8th-grade. Quickly gaining a passion for the activity, she began to participate in winter guard through organizations such as Medley, Ovation and m.Pure. These organizations compete in shows that specifically feature the color guard, leaving the marching band for the fall.
Through countless seasons of guard, Morris has never gotten bored of the activity. In fact, she looks forward to continuing her color guard career past high school through a mix of college guard, winter guard and Drum Corps International (DCI).
“I want to do [color guard] until my body breaks,” Morris joked.
However, even after she graduates high school, Morris will never forget the place she got her start. In Northview’s program Morris learned many important lessons that have stuck with her.

“Hard work offers incredibly clean work,” Morris said. “[My time at Northview] taught me that not everything is going to be easy, but you can be more successful when you put in the work and effort.”
Although Morris describes color guard as often difficult and sometimes painful, the community around her is what has made her persevere. Her teammates give her inspiration.
“We are one big family, and we all have each other’s backs. The community is one like no other,” Morris said.
Morris has found a second family in the color guard at Northview.
“I will miss the special bond that will always last,” Morris said. “I will miss being able to always cheer someone up if they are feeling down.”
To continue her favorite activity, Morris will audition for the winter guard season next.
“Color guard is an addiction,” Morris said.