Junior Daniel Mills officially became an Eagle Scout on December 13, 2018. After standing in front of the Board of Review for a nerve-wracking analysis of his capacity, Mills passed the review and joined the new class of Eagle Scouts, he immediately felt gratified.
“It was a lot of relief, a lot of pride. I just couldn’t stop smiling. I had that same stupid grin on my face for the entire night,” Mills said.
Mills worked hard to become an Eagle Scout by earning a minimum of 21 merit badges. These include first aid, citizenship in the community, nation and the world, and the list goes on. Mills was also required to demonstrate a good spirit and leadership in his troop before turning 18.
Mills became one of the top Scouts by being hardworking and dedicated.
He was inspired by his strong role models such as Eagle Scout Jacob Point.
After knowing each other from school then developing a relationship through Eagle Scouts, the two bonded together for years to come. Point helped Mills find the enjoyment in scouting, as well as the brotherhood.
Now that Mills is an Eagle Scout, he has his own advice for new Scouters.
“Push yourself and just keep on trucking. Be that little engine that could,” Mills said.