Well Well Wells: A feature on Celeste Wells

Celeste Wells is seen marching during a performance. The tuba is a big asset to the rest of the band because they control the tempo due to their mainly bass line music. Photo courtesy of Wells.

When students hear the last name, Wells, they are familiar with it at Northview due to the family’s musical talents and widespread involvement across the district. Senior Celeste Wells is leaving an impressive mark on the high school in many ways. All signs point to the Wells legacy becoming even stronger. 

Wells is involved in various extracurricular activities and is beloved by all of her peers with whom she comes in contact. She gives tips to her teammates on the tennis court, helps other cast members with lines during the yearly musical, and provides extra snacks to people during band camp. 

Above all of her other engagements, marching band is a big part of Wells’ life and holds a special place in her heart. Her father is the band director of all the bands at the high school, so she naturally grew up around it. 

“I’ve always had an interest in marching band since I was little because my dad would let us kids go up in the tower during rehearsals,” Wells said. 

Throughout her four years as a band member, she’s gathered a collection of fun moments. Sometimes the memories that will last a lifetime aren’t made on the field but in the little moments of it. 

“I really love the sectionals during band camp week with Mr. Lago when we get him to do two mad libs instead of just one, and we just have so much fun,” Wells said.

Working with the band during performances is the colorguard they help the audience visually see what the band wants to display. Since they have a different way of conveying the show’s message, they aren’t always integrated with marchers as often. Senior color guard member Race Mashburn attests to Wells’s welcoming and kind demeanor in the marching band.

“[Wells] makes me feel more included in the marching band because sometimes it feels like the color guard is a separate part of the band, her kindness and friendliness makes me feel more connected to the band,” Mashburn said. 

Wells leads the entire low section of the marching band and is a big component of its success as a strong tuba player and an exemplary leader. Her section includes tubas, baritone saxophones, and bass clarinets. 

“I’ve been the section leader for two years now,” Wells said. “It’s just making sure you know your music and dots well enough to help others and being able to provide snacks, band-aids, or valve oil for your section.” 

Along with Wells’ participation in the band and music department, she has also played on the girls’ varsity tennis team for two years. In total, she’s been a part of the program all four years of high school.

“My dad was on the varsity team when he was in high school, and my grandparents love tennis. As a family, we sometimes just go play tennis, so that’s been part of my life for a while,” Wells said. 

Wells is playing tennis at the Wildcat tennis courts. Her and her grandpa always squeeze extra practice when they can. Photo courtesy of Wells.

Wells is constantly on the go. During the school year, she plays marching band in the fall and tennis in the spring. She also fills up her winter time by being in the musical. She is cast as the lead role of Ogre Fiona in the upcoming winter musical Shrek. 

“I am very excited for the part, memorizing my lines and the other ensemble music parts.  I will be practicing a lot to get past those hardships,” Wells said. 

Her hard work early into the making of the musical has been noticed by many of the participants in it. Senior Nico Thompson has seen Wells’s work ethic in full form while working alongside her every day in the auditorium.

“As long as I’ve known [Wells] she’s worked hard at what she’s doing, I see her practicing a lot to get ready for her role,” Thompson said.

About Jaden Bozek 22 Articles
Jaden Bozek is a senior and fourth-year journalism student. He participates in marching band as well as varsity baseball and football. He is excited to meet others through The Roar and plans to pursue Sports Broadcasting in the future.