Upcoming travel opportunities

Holly Chapin is the supervisor of the Costa Rica excursion. She is pictured standing in front of the country's flag and pointing to it on the globe.

This article won an honorable mention in the 2023 Michigan Interscholastic Press Association spring awards ceremony.

The high school has many opportunities for students who want to travel the world. This upcoming summer, there will be three school-sponsored trips to Japan, Costa Rica and the band trip to Europe. The following summer, 2024, there will be a trip to Italy as well. 

Art teachers September Buys and Tanya Lockwood are going to be supervising the Italy trip. Lockwood is thrilled to experience the history of such an old, history-rich country.

“We are going to be able to visit places that thousands of people over the centuries have gone and touched and seen,” Lockwood said. “We are going to be part of that living history and we are going to be able to see things that maybe in another ten years no longer will be there. So this trip is an experience of a lifetime.”

Lockwood will also be handling the Japan trip this summer. She is most interested in learning about the culture. 

“The architecture, the food, everything about [Japanese] culture is so different from what we’re used to. I can’t wait to share that experience with students,” Lockwood said.

Holly Chapin has taken on the responsibility of the Costa Rica trip. As a Spanish teacher, she is excited to give her students the opportunity to experience the culture they are being taught about.

“I am most excited to see students discover a bunch of new things about the Spanish-speaking world that are so special, fun and adventurous. I can’t wait to explore with them and get them to personally connect with the language and culture of Costa Rica,” Chapin said. 

The band’s exclusive trip to Europe happens every four years to allow for every member to have the opportunity.  Band director Greg Wells is excited for the students to experience such an amazing excursion. 

“For some [students], this is their first time not only out of the country but in a plane or being away from family for this long.,” Well said. “[Going] from Netherland windmills to dizzying heights up in the Swiss Alps [it’s a total of] six countries and dozens of cities. It’s truly a life changing, once in a lifetime trip for these students and families.”

Below is more information on these trips and where to sign up. 

About Brooke Gunderson 35 Articles
Brooke Gunderson is a senior who has been a staff-writer since her freshman year. She is a second-year co-editor and first-year Editor in Chief as well as social media manager for The Roar. In her free time, she works a part-time job and enjoys hanging out with friends. Brooke plans to pursue Elementary Education with a concentration in Environmental Science.