As the student body gears up for the final few weeks of school, seniors are soaking up as much as they can of their high school experience before they go off into the world. Although they are the oldest and wisest of all the grades, there may still be some secrets they haven’t learned in their four years. Read on to discover some new and old places in the high school that many are not aware exist.
The Tunnel
A hobbit hole? An elevator shaft? A closet? Nobody really knows what is behind the small door under the stairs in the lunchroom. It may look like a normal door, but behind it is one of the least known places in the high school. It happens to lead to a tunnel under the lunchroom, and only the custodians have access to it. Made to have easy access to electrical wiring and plumbing pipes, there is enough room for a person to walk up and down this tunnel without crouching.
Secret Staircase #1
Due to the fact that only upperclassmen have lockers upstairs, not many people are aware of the staircase in the senior locker bank. Past the final row of lockers and next to the technical department offices, there is a grey door which leads to a staircase that opens up to the front of the school building. Not many people use these stairs, since only staff is allowed to park in the front parking lot. But next time you are upstairs and need to head out front, try this secret staircase.
The Basement
Unless you are a part of the theater department, you might not be aware that there is a basement underneath the stage in the auditorium. Down there lies the pit for the band that performs during plays and musicals, extra storage for props, and a wall with the signatures of past theater performers. You might have unknowingly traveled through this basement if you attended the Halloween night the theater department put on, where a haunted house was created beneath the stage.
The Courtyard
Across from Challice Dixon’s classroom is a set of windows looking out into a small courtyard in the middle of the old wing. Next to these windows is a door that grants access to this courtyard, which is generally left open in decent weather. Although it is not currently used for much, some classes use this space for experiments.
Secret Staircase #2
Not only is there one secret staircase in the school, but there happens to be a second one between the doors to spanish teachers Carl Marsh and Robin Paredez’s classrooms. This staircase can bring people to the common rooms behind the language classrooms, or downstairs to the special education wing. There is even an exit outside through this stairwell that leads right to the entrance in the back of the school.
The Golf Room
Ever since the track was opened in the athletic wing of the school, a room in the corner above the athletic entrance has gone unnoticed by many. This happens to be the golf practice room, where athletes can bring their clubs to practice their swing by hitting balls into nets that are set up.
Although the senior class may only have a few short days left in their high school, the underclassmen still have more time to explore. So while the current academic year is still in session, try figuring out if you can find all of these “secret” locations!
All photos courtesy of Ashley Robinette