Imagine being a student devoted to God and what he works for but not knowing many Christians throughout the high school. When getting to know Christ more and being able to find brothers and sisters in Christ at school is a top priority, it’s frustrating not knowing how to make it happen.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a nationwide organization which seeks to create a Christ centered community within high schools. Northview has their own program within that organization that meets every Thursday morning before school in math teacher Tina Ely’s classroom, number 1149. During the meetings the group talks about being devoted to Christ and learning more about his word as well as learning more about living as a Christian student throughout the high school. FCA is a place where all students of the high school can gather to be with their peers to share the Gospel together.
New for Northview’s chapter of FCA this year was an event called Courts of Faith. Courts of Faith is an event held annually by FCA groups at different high schools, but this is the first year this event happened at Northview High School. On Saturday, February 1st this event took place in the auxiliary gym. Courts of Faith allowed many Christians of West Michigan to gather together, worship and listen to many testimonies. This event is a safe space for students all over to bond through their faith and love for the Gospel.
Austin Schubert, lead director of the Courts of Faith event, thinks that growing your relationship with the Lord is an important part of Christianity.
“God loves you with infinite love, and He wants to have a deep relationship with you,” Schubert said. “Courts of Faith is an opportunity to know who that God really is and then meet people who can help you in your Faith in everyday life after.”
One of the big parts of Courts of Faith is when leaders and students share their testimonies. Hearing those testimonies can really change a person’s perspective on Christianity and it’s incredibly moving to hear the words of the people that are aligned with God.
“I think testimonies are super fun to look forward to,” Schubert said. “Getting to hear what really goes on in people’s lives is huge. We hide a lot of the broken things in our lives, but when we become vulnerable, it’s a powerful thing.”

Courts of Faith is an amazing opportunity to become closer with the Lord. It is also an outlet for students all over West Michigan to be able to see how God can change lives and even fully surrender to him for the first time.
“We had many students wanting to recommit to living fully for Christ, and a few saying yes to Jesus for the first time,” Schubert said. “That changes the trajectory of your whole life if you truly surrender everything to Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Only in Him will you find true joy and peace. I think students are excited to experience more of Jesus and be a light in their schools.”
Senior FCA leader Rory Morter was impacted by Courts of Faith despite being able to attend. Just assisting the preparation for the event helped him realize how the Lord works in different and amazing ways.
“I was able to help set [Courts of Faith] up and contribute to the planning of it. It’s really helped me realize how responsible and how efficient Christians can be in sharing the gospel,” Morter said. “It’s really brought me closer to the Lord because it shows He can work through people in that way, as in He puts people in certain places to do the things that are best at to glorify his name.”

FCA is open to any and all people so you shouldn’t shy away from attending meetings or big events like Courts of Faith. The Lord is accepting of all people, so FCA is a great place to get to know him more. Another leader, junior Rhys Holmes agrees.
“I hope that everyone will feel really accepted by Christ and that your relationship will be stronger in him,” Holmes said. “God loves you and we’re gonna be really open to everybody coming.”