Goodbye Glee

Written by: Lilah Purucker

In May of 2009, the hit show Glee made its debut on television. With many interesting characters, it is filled with drama, comedy, fantastic music, and more. The show has built quite a following of fans over the years.

Glee is making its departure from Netflix on November 30 and people are furious. The show has touched so many people’s hearts with its quirky dialogue and relatable characters. 

Fans everywhere are speaking their minds on the removal of the show. Senior Keegan Brown is dispirited as well.

“It’s really unfortunate that it’s leaving and you’re not able to watch it on Netflix which was very convenient for lots of people,” Brown said.

Glee is important to many. The show covers so many real-life issues and gives people a sense of kinship with the characters.

“I think Glee means a lot, I mean it was probably one of my favorite tv shows,” Brown said, “I met a lot of friends through watching the show.”

Though they’re taking Glee off Netflix, there are still places where you can watch it. Those who have Amazon Prime can still experience the show free of charge. Other platforms such as Vudu, iTunes, and Google Play have it available to rent or buy.

This series is great for music lovers who also like some romantic drama-comedy. It is an amazing coming of age/ finding yourself show. Emotional connections to the characters are bound to develop along with many love-hate relationships. You may also expand your playlist with some new songs.

“I would describe it as a musical drama-comedy, a lot is going on,” Brown said, “but  it’s very funny, and if you like music it’s also a big plus.”

To those who have not yet seen Glee and would like to, start binging the 121 episodes as soon as you can, and if you begin to lose hope you can always pray to grilled cheesus.