Holiday DIY’s

In light of the holiday season, here are some fun DIY Christmas tutorials.

DIY Christmas gift:

Things you will need: Card stock or canvas paper, a large paintbrush and a small paintbrush, black and white paint, and a picture frame.

Start by mixing black and white to create a light gray, and paint a plaid pattern as shown above. After your initial layout, take a darker gray and darken the squares where the lines intersect.

Then, pick a fun Christmas saying! Use black paint to write it over your background. It doesn’t need to be fancy, just have fun creating something!

Once it dries, put it in the frame. It cleans up the art and makes it look more professional.

Hot chocolate is a delicious holiday treat, but the same thing over and over can get boring. Here are some variations on the classic hot cocoa.

Start by making a normal hot chocolate base using either store-bought or homemade mix. To make your own mix, just mix 2 cups of milk with ¼ cup of sugar and cocoa powder, and boil it on the stove.

If you have a killer sweet tooth, then Oreo hot chocolate is for you. Crush up some Oreos and mix it in with the hot chocolate base. Top it with whipped cream, and you have a fun twist on this classic drink. 

Another recipe is peppermint hot chocolate. Mix in peppermint extract and crushed up candy canes to your mix. Top it with whipped cream and you’ll be transported right to the heart of the North Pole. 

Christmas time calls for ugly Christmas sweaters. No need to buy one when you can make it yourself.

Things you will need: Tinsel, small Christmas ornaments, a green shirt or sweater, and safety pins.

Have you ever wanted to look like a Christmas tree? Well now you can! Take the tinsel and safety pin it around the sweater. Hook ornaments on the tinsel, or on the fabric of the shirt. Once it’s secure, you can put it on and have a fun conversation piece for holiday parties. 

About Ava Ohlman 14 Articles
Ava Ohlman is a senior and a fourth-year staff member of The Roar. She loves drinking kombucha and hanging out with friends. She loves to visit the ocean, but the Great Lakes are a good substitute when she’s not vacationing. Taking long hikes in the woods is one of her favorite past times, and she is fascinated with nature. Ohlman enjoys writing for The Roar and hopes to write for the rest of her high school career.