Not all heroes wear capes: Meet Steve Nichols

Photo courtesy Roar Staff.

Written by Tori Scovel

“I just make sure this whole place doesn’t fall apart at night and it doesn’t burn down,” head of the custodial department Steve Nichols said.

Nichols has been working in the Northview district for almost 17 years as a custodian. But Nichols is much more than a guy with a mop.

Nichols spends his days from 2 to 10:30 p.m. doing the dirty work. Most days you can see him with earbuds in, listening to lectures and audiobooks. He finds joy in subjects that bore most people. Some of his favorite topics are anthropology, theology, and sociology.

Being a janitor was never on Nichols’ bucket list but as a young father, a janitorial job provided the means necessary to take care of his children. He is a proud father of two, his daughter is a junior in high school, and his son is currently attending Arizona State University.

Nichols is content with his career because ‘he is still a child at heart’. Being around the students keeps him young and provides a platform for his infamous fart jokes.

“I don’t know, a lot of adults are like ‘come on grow up’.My response is ‘No you stop being so old’,” Nichols said.

Nichols stays at Northview because of the community. From students to staff members he feels that everyone is warm and welcoming.

When Nichols isn’t cleaning with the Zamboni, he loves to spend his free time playing with his many young nieces and nephews. He also enjoys hiking, taking photos and he has recently taken up writing as well.

Nichols sees a bright future for each and every student. He is confident that they all have the capability to make the world a better place.

“After 16 years of working with kids I know we’ve got a bright future ahead,” Nichols said.