Sexual harassment resources

This article won third place in the 2022 Michigan Interscholastic Press Association spring awards ceremony.

A letter from the editors,

Due to the recent attentiveness on sexual assault and in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it is more important now than ever to cover this important topic.

As an Editorial Board, especially one of all women, we see the importance and the urgency to take the global issue and bring it to what we know best; the Northview community.

Below are some resources for people who ever find themselves needing to seek help due to sexual assault and harassment.

Olivia Austin, Doretta Schat Beimers and Victoria Scovel

2020/21 Editorial Board

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About Olivia Austin 46 Articles
Olivia Austin is a senior, fourth year staff member and third year editor of The Roar. Olivia is involved in SADD, the yearbook, NHS and is the student body secretary for student council. She loves photography, spending time with friends and family and getting involved in her church.