How NV Has Changed

The greatly improved aquatic center in its final stages. In 2014 almost the entire school was revamped. Photo courtesy of Tom Reynolds.

Nearly four years ago, the class of 2018 walked through the doors of Northview High School to embark on one of the craziest journeys of our lives. Now, that wild ride is coming to a close. Heading in all directions- college, trade school, the work force, the armed forces- we hope that the legacy we leave behind is one that will last forever.

When we walked through those doors four years ago, everything was different. With the newly finished construction of our huge school, students and classrooms were spread across the building.

Not only was there a physical separation between the staff and the students, there also seemed to be a clear distinction in leadership. While events like the homecoming assembly were student planned, they were facilitated and directed by the staff rather than by students.

At the end of our freshman year, very few of us would even know the name of our student body president, much less the names of the then senior class.

Today, that is completely different. Our class has become leaders, rather than followers.

Amid the political chaos surrounding the tragic loss of 17 students in Parkland, Florida, student leaders managed to bring the school together with an assembly honoring the lives of those 17 students, as well as organize a student walk-out.

In stark contrast to how our student leadership operated our freshman year, most students are aware of the ongoing “rivalry” between the student body president, Gavyn Webb, and our senior class president, David Tay. This student leadership is evident in the student orchestrated prom assembly.

As both a class and a school, we have been through a lot. From our first homecoming dance, to the loss of our dear classmate Stephen Rathbun, to supporting a losing football team and to, finally, graduating- we have truly been through it all together. Now, it is time for us to finish this journey, and to part ways.

Thank you Northview, for allowing us to change you, and for changing us.

We are NV.