A look into Educational Leadership

Students putting in the work in one of the best weight rooms in the conference. This was during a circuit workout where athletes do a number of different exercises.

Educational Leadership is a physical education class at the high school that focuses on student athletes. The class goes through five workouts a week including weight training as well as developing skills for their respective sport(s).

Head football coach and physical education teacher Ryan Oshnock continues to push athletes every day to not just become better athletes, but better people.

“[My goal] is to enhance the athletic experience for all athletes attending Northview High School,” Oshnock said. “Our motto in athletics is ‘Work to Win.’  In Educational Leadership, we work all five days of the week.”

A lot of hard work needs to go on behind the scenes for athletes in order for improvement. With this class, everyone has that opportunity.

“Athletes should take this class if they are interested in getting faster and stronger.  Students are able to train during the school day so they do not need to come before or after school,” Oshnock said. “We track athletes in the weight room and all students have improvements in their bench, squat, and power cleans.”

Students have noticed a change in the class from previous years. Junior Max Haveman has been in the class since he was a freshman and enjoys it more due to the added accountability.

“Educational leadership has changed because the teachers push the students a lot more now,” Haveman said. “Everything is on a whistle so it forces us to do the work.”

If there are any athletes interested in enhancing their skills, educational leadership is the class for you.

“If students are nervous to take the course, I would encourage them to come and have a conversation with me. I would love to talk about our core values with them,” Oshnock said.

About Jaysen Brehm 19 Articles
Jaysen Brehm is a senior and third year Roar staff writer. He plays on the varsity lacrosse team. Outside of school, he enjoys watching sports, hanging out with friends and traveling.