Cheer team: Climbing to the top

The cheer team posing for a group picture after getting done with a competition.

The competitive cheer season recently started in December and the team is off with a bang. Recently, the Northview Competitive Cheer Team competed in their first home competition. They finished right behind Tri Country’s Varsity team in second. Here is a short recap of the team’s season so far.

The girls had their first competition of the season on December 17 at West Catholic High School. They competed against five other teams and ended up in third place. In round one, they pulled out a score of 215, in round two they had a score of 192, and in round three they had a score of 251, adding up to a score of 664.88. This competition made history, with the Wildcats getting their highest score ever.

Their second competition took place at Forest Hills Northern on January 13. The team received a round one score of 207.1, a round two score of 183.7, and a round three score of 254.7. This added up to a total score of 645.5, putting the Wildcats in third place again.

Even though the girls received their lowest score of the season thus far, they bounced back at the next competition.

The team had their first home competition on January 20 and it was a big one. Making history once again, the girls climbed up to second place for the first time. They racked up a round 1 score of 212.5, a round 2 score of 181.76, and a round 3 score of 277, and they broke their previously set record with their total score of 671.26. 

This beat all past cheer teams’ scores at Northview, making it the highest score ever received.

The cheer team finishing off round one at their most recent competition. Photo courtesy of Tom Reynolds.

The girls are ready to continue their record-breaking streak and beat the competition in their following competitions.

About Olivia Blumke 19 Articles
Olivia Blumke is a third-year staff writer for The Roar. She is on the Northview tennis team, the National Honor Society, and SADD. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and watching her favorite shows. After high school, she will pursue a career in forensic science.