This year’s sports season hasn’t been easy, let alone normal. But some teams have risen above the difficulties and started to prepare for their upcoming seasons despite not knowing if they will ever happen. This means finding different ways to workout
Recently, sophomore Kate Nuffer has been attending team workouts online, participating in workouts that apply to their sport. Although she hasn’t gotten any time on the court she’s still keeping busy by staying in shape.
“I’ve been doing Zoom workouts right now for basketball and I have been going on walks with my dog around my neighborhood to stay active,” Nuffer said.
Sophomore Alex Richardson has managed to get some time in the pool since our recent lockdown and has been working on pushing himself for the next season.
“I’ve been swimming almost every day, going to Power Strength Training Systems, and working with personal trainers,” said Richardson.
It’s old news that covid has been a rough ride for everyone, but athletes have been working hard to make the transition from team Zoom workouts to fields of competition as smooth as possible. However, zoom workouts aren’t as helpful as face to face interactive workouts. This being it’s just you and no outside resources like the weight room. and it’s been hard to know what the new seasons are going to look like.
“Right now I’ve been doing online workouts, so it’s really hard to know if it’s working till I get on the court, but it’s better than doing nothing,” said Nuffer
When preparing for a season athletes have to work hard even if it isn’t what they’re used to, that means choosing to workout even when it’s just optional and really pushing to do your best even when not being told to.
“I want to work out. Every day I get better. It’s something to do every day and it’s something that I love doing,” said Nuffer
Nuffer and Richardson feel that staying in shape isn’t just about working out, it’s about setting goals for yourself and working hard every day. For Richardson, it’s about effort and achievement.
“I think that working on bettering yourself makes you gain a lot of self-confidence and give you a feeling of accomplishment,” said Richardson
These athletes have proven that just because we are in lockdown doesn’t mean you can’t work hard and stay in shape. What matters is pushing yourself to be a better you.
“I think trying to better yourself has a positive impact,” Richardson said. ”Being you get the accomplishment of doing something you maybe couldn’t do the day before or doing something better than the day before,”