Opinion: Christmas festivities should start before December 1

This is part of a pro-con package. To view the other side, click here.

For many, November 1 is just the day after Halloween. A day to sleep in after a long night of hanging out with friends and the perfect day to stop by Meijer to snag the last of the Halloween candy that just went on sale. This is an average early November day for most, but not for me.

Bring on the Christmas Carols and holiday Pinterest boards, because November 1 marks the beginning of the Christmas season!

Before the ‘No Christmas before Thanksgiving’ folks (*cough cough* grinches) start to freak out, hear me out.

Thanksgiving Day I will gladly dim my Christmas lights, hide my santas and watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I will sit at the table with family, eat some turkey, and watch The Lions lose without a problem, but as soon as the clock strikes midnight, Christmas festivities will resume and Thanksgiving will be left in the dust. 

Those of us “proper” Christmas season celebrators also reap many benefits that come with the start of the season. 

If you were to start your Christmas season on the correct date of November 1 you would have nearly 47% more time to indulge in the happiness and nostalgia of Christmas time compared to those that wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start celebrating. 

With the additional holiday time, we get to enjoy the year’s latest Hallmark Christmas releases before the common scrooge population and we have the time to begin the planning of holiday wish lists and gift ideas. 

Even with all the extra time for holiday cheer, some people won’t budge on waiting until after Turkey Day to put up the ol’ Tannenbaum, to which I respond “Bah Humbug.”

With the uprise of the COVID-19 Virus this fall, I can understand how there might be those just not ready to get into the Christmas season. There is truly not a better time to get into the holiday spirit than now. With the extra time at home, you can start that ugly Christmas sweater you’ve always wanted to knit or maybe even perfect that gingerbread recipe. 

Christmas is a holiday of happiness and it brings so much joy to those that celebrate. 

So let’s change the stigma around celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving. Just as our friend Buddy the Elf says, “Treat everyday like Christmas,” because after all it is the most wonderful time of the year.