Opinion: We should all put our political opinions aside

Photo courtesy of Vox.com.

All by-lined opinion pieces reflect the opinion of the author only, not necessarily those of the Editorial Board, adviser and the rest of the staff. 

I believe that the current state we live in is divided into two groups. One being Republicans and the other being Democrats. Despite this, we have to be generous to each other and respect everyone’s opinion.

I realize world peace is essentially impossible, but I do believe there are ways to help us become united again. 

It’s been a long fight for equal rights, for women and people of color. People tend to forget that the civil rights movement was less than 100 years ago which may sound like a long time ago but it’s really just one person ago. Additionally, women have only been able to vote since 1920. 

Nowadays we often hear about how family relationships have been severed due to political disagreements. Especially with the holidays coming up some are relieved to not have to see their families. To me, this is devastating. You shouldn’t lose contact with your loved ones because of a disagreement. 

Rather than arguing with a loved one about opinions, listen to the other side and respectfully talk it through. If you can’t have a civil conversation about political views with your loved ones, then don’t, move past their views and love them despite this.

Additionally, we often see on social media people posting “If you voted for so and so don’t bother following me.” This type of behavior is toxic to our society. We are so much more than who we vote for, it does not define who you are. It’s the way you express your opinions that attests to your character.

Instead of disliking someone because of where they stand, use this as a way to strengthen your relationship. Not end it. This can start by finding common ground.

At the end of the day, it’s the people around you that should mean the most to you. They are the people you live with, work with, love, and so much more. 

If you are going to talk about politics, be mindful of others’ opinions and understand they feel that way for a reason, and realize that you probably won’t change their opinion and vice versa.

If we can put our different opinions aside we can all better ourselves. It can start small, like realizing we all have our own opinions and not everyone is going to agree. From there you can pick up the phone and make up with your loved one.

Whomever it may be, embrace your differences and be kind to one another because in the end, it’s the loved ones around you that matter. 

I want us to become united again, even if our views are divided. To be proud of who we are. To not be afraid to speak up about your opinions that are different from others. I believe we can all come back together and respect each other.

About Sydney Butts 16 Articles
Sydney Butts is a junior and third-year staff member for The Roar. She loves to read and bake. In her free time you can find her hanging out with friends or bonding with her dog. She is excited to take on a leadership role in The Roar this year.